Hello Community.
KONPAY desires to build a new payment service system that can improve the problems of high fees and long settlement cycles.
Digital assets are being proposed as an alternative to solving the problems of the existing payment structure at a time when the digital economy between countries is expanding. Previous digital asset-based payment solutions have undergone a lot of trial and error, so an in-depth approach is required to settle into the real economy. KONPAY aims to provide a blockchain-based payment solution that can be applied quickly in reality while accurately describing the structural limitations. Low-fee payment and settlement services using pin technology are spreading around the world.
⚙️Webpage: https://konpay.io
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/konpay_official
📱 Xangle: https://xangle.io/project/KON/key-info
💡 Telegram Channel: https://t.me/Konpay_community
💻 Medium: https://konpay.medium.com/
📡 Gitbook: https://konpaywallet.gitbook.io