KONPAY Disclaimer
In the case of a country or region where the content of this white paper is illegal, it must not be reproduced, modified, or distributed in whole or in part. In addition, if people from countries or regions that stipulate the contents of this white paper illegally recognize the contents of this white paper and make an investment, such investment is at their own risk and KONPAY does not take any legal responsibility for it. KONPAY cannot be construed as a financial investment product such as bonds, stocks, securities, options, and derivatives, and cannot claim its rights under any circumstances. KONPAY does not guarantee income and profits such as financial interest in any case. In addition, the purchaser of KONPAY should not interpret the purchase of KSNET+ as an activity for investment and profit creation under any circumstances, and no one should understand or recognize it as an entity that can obtain financial income such as investment income and interest.
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