< Introduction question >
Q1. Firstly, please introduce yourself and your project to my community. What’s your role in KONPAY?
A1. Hello, my name is Victoria Han :) I am the manager of the international business Team of Kondor. To simply introduce our project KONPAY, we aim to provide a blockchain-based payment solution that can be applied quickly in reality while accurately describing the structural limitations of the existing card payment service.
Q2. What’s the motivation for starting this project?
A2. The motivation for starting this project is simple. We wanted everyone to be able to use the payment system easily.
Still, many people in the world do not have bank accounts either because of structural problems or because of geographic problems.
For example, more than 90% of Pakistanis do not have a bank account and in Afghanistan, women are not allowed to open bank accounts. As such, solving the chronic problems of modern society is the goal that we wanted to achieve.
Digital assets are being proposed as an alternative to solving the problems of the existing payment structure at a time when the digital economy between countries is expanding. Previous digital asset-based payment solutions have undergone a lot of trial and error, so an in-depth approach to the following is required to settle into the real economy.
Q3. What is KONPAY? What are the advantages and features of KONPAY.
A3. KONPAY is an On/Offline Integrated Payment Service Solution.
To explain our advantages and features into three main points,
1. we provide an improved Blockchain-based integrated management system
We can achieve a settlement speed that is three times faster than the existing payment structure by utilizing smart contracts. and we provide a management system so that the stores can keep track of their transaction history and their settlements and more without any additional costs.
2. Integrated on/offline payment platform
We provide operators with their own integrated payment solutions and terminals; this is to provide an environment where even small business owners can use payment solutions without any burden.
3. KONPAY can reduce payment fees and it also allows users to use multiple digital assets.
So, to reduce the commission cost, we did them by simplifying the processing procedures.
And when I said that the users can use multiple digital assets, on KONPAY our payment system, we support not only KON but also BTC, ETH, and other well-known digital assets and stable coins with a relatively low-price change.
So basically, KONPAY provide an inexpensive yet simple payment system.
Q4. User experience is a very important issue, especially for new users, what efforts has KONPAY made?
A4. We have KONPAY our payment solution, KONMARKET an NFT marketplace, Tourism pay, and a Metaverse project that will allow users to utilize coin in various different ways.
Through cooperating with large partners, numerous affiliates will be connected, so users will be able to use KON in lots of different places. We will start out in Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines first, then expand to southeast parts of Asia and eventually worldwide.
Plus, when users use KONPAY as their payment method, they will always receive a 5% discount per each payment. And the affiliates will also open a lot of events for our users.
Q5. Could you please describe your roadmap for KONPAY? And what is your upcoming plan for 2023?
A5. We are currently planning to open an NFT marketplace called KON Market, and a digital asset exchange called the VEXK. Both will be integrated into our KONPAY app.
We are also working with the Vietnam Tourism Organization in Korea as our partner, so we plan to expand our business not only to Vietnam but also to the Philippines.
Therefore, we are currently negotiating with the Philippine PG company.
In the case of Vietnam, discussions were held with not only with the PG companies but also with other large Vietnamese major companies that do business in a variety of different fields such as hotels, banks, golf, resorts, trading goods, and more.
In addition to expanding our business to Vietnam and the Philippines, we are also planning to make an agreement with the Metaverse platform operated by a famous bank in Korea.
This will help us to utilize our KON in various directions such as overseas remittance, tourism, shopping, and other things that can be derived by making an agreement with them.
<Twitter Segment >
Q1. What is the current stage of development of the project?
A1. KONPAY is currently open to the public. Users can download the KONPAY app from the Play Store or App Store.
Once the users create a wallet in KONPAY APP and send BTC, ETH, or KON to the created wallet, you can keep it in your KONPAY wallet.
In the future, you can pay at affiliated stores with the coins you have.
Q2. Do you have a token burn plan?
A2. The total issuance amount is 3.2 billion, and the quantity to be released from the total issuance to the circulation amount is 45% of the total amount.
Currently, 110 million are released, which are used for private sales, airdrops, and events.
Currently, we do not have any plans for token burn.
Q3) Is there a differentiated technology unique to the project?
A4. For the Technical side, KON Network has completed building its own mainnet for fast processing speed and supports up to 1000 TPS variably.
The nodes are separated into 13 AWS regions and are operated by consensus nodes that are centrally managed in the form of PoA.
Through this,
First, We can prevent the forgery and falsification of blockchain data by unauthorized people. This also helps to monitor and minimize issues through internal whitelisting and blacklisting.
Next, Network Separation is possible through the Separation of Block Generation Nodes and Blockchain API Services.
Lastly, we can respond to the issues due to decentralized node construction. We are responding to the attack by forming the network in a form similar to Binance Smart Chain or Huobi Eco Chain, which are general enterprise blockchain networks.
Q4. What are the company’s core values?
A4. Our company name of the project KONPAY is KONDOR.
KONDOR believes that blockchain technology and everyday encounters should happen more easily and more closely.
We are proceeding with various projects such as, Blockchain payment platform “KONPAY”, NFT Marketplace “KON MARKET” Digital asset exchange, “VEXK”, Tourism platform “TOURISM PAY”
KONDOR has an integrated online/offline business strategy to preoccupy the market transformed by the 4th industry with various projects.
We provide a stable and secure transaction system and have very high security and transparency compared to existing payment systems. It can also increase speed and efficiency by reducing the role of intermediaries and reducing transaction costs, which is extremely beneficial for businesses and consumers alike.
The core value is that new business models based on blockchain technology can be built, providing various business opportunities.
Collaborating with various projects, we provide various payment methods and experiences to users.
KONDOR has high growth potential by developing new business models based on these advantages and promoting steady technological development and service improvement.
Q5. Most investors focus only on the short-term price aspect of the project rather than the actual value of the project. Are there any benefits to users when they use the project in the long term?
So, KONPAY Tokenomics consists of KONPAY, platform providers, franchises, and users, and by interacting with each other, the circulation of digital assets is achieved, and as a result, the stability of the payment environment is guaranteed.
Among them, the KONPAY platform will oversee the payment part of the token economy to be implemented based on digital assets and will play a pivotal role in the economic system that supports the circulation of digital assets in the blockchain ecosystem.
We have great potential, so there will definitely be a lot of places to use KON, which means that this will help the holders to hold KON for a long time.
Also, we provide affiliates and users with a simple payment service platform through our app and provide rewards such as additional discounts or points.